EGYPTAIR: Cease the Inhumane Shipment of Monkeys!

In a disheartening turn of events, EGYPTAIR has reneged on its commitment and resumed the transport of monkeys to laboratories, jeopardizing both public health and an endangered species solely for financial gain. Your support is crucial in putting an end to this reprehensible practice. Take action now!

Recent information acquired by PETA indicates that EGYPTAIR dispatched around 500 long-tailed macaques—classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature—from the island nation of Mauritius to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Tragically, these primates are destined for distressing experiments in laboratories. What intensifies the concern is that they were purportedly transported from a monkey-breeding facility grappling with a tuberculosis outbreak—a highly contagious disease with potential transmission to humans.

This shipment blatantly contradicts EGYPTAIR's commitment made last year, wherein they pledged to discontinue the transportation of monkeys to laboratories, citing alignment with the "vision and mission" of animal protection organizations.

Regrettably, this assurance has proven to be hollow.

Annually, tens of thousands of monkeys are dispatched to the United States, where they are subjected to captivity and torment in experiments that consistently yield negligible scientific advancements. These socially intricate and sensitive creatures are either captured in the wild or bred in unsanitary conditions on factory farms, facing injury and disease. Many succumb before being crammed into cramped wooden crates, enduring over 30 hours of confinement in the ominous cargo holds of planes.

Through the collective endeavors of PETA, allied animal protection organizations, and compassionate individuals globally, nearly every major airline has refrained from transporting monkeys to laboratories. Let us once again unite our voices to implore EGYPTAIR to follow suit!

Please send polite e-mails to EGYPTAIR staff using the PETA’s template letter, asking them not to transport monkeys to laboratories:


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