Dehydration Crisis: Donkeys in Petra Endure Unimaginable Hardship
News and Events Roland Azar News and Events Roland Azar

Dehydration Crisis: Donkeys in Petra Endure Unimaginable Hardship

Visitors to Petra, Jordan's famous desert city, frequently experience the hard realities of working animals. Donkeys, famed for their gentle disposition, are forced to convey tourists up 900 crumbling stone stairs to the iconic monastery while facing intense heat and thirst. The authorities have left the one water trough, which is vital to their survival, dry.

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EGYPTAIR: Cease the Inhumane Shipment of Monkeys!
Roland Azar Roland Azar

EGYPTAIR: Cease the Inhumane Shipment of Monkeys!

In a disheartening turn of events, EGYPTAIR has reneged on its commitment and resumed the transport of monkeys to laboratories, jeopardizing both public health and an endangered species solely for financial gain. Your support is crucial in putting an end to this reprehensible practice. Take action now!

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