In Iraq, the concept of veganism faces significant social and cultural challenges, largely influenced by religious beliefs. Many locals perceive veganism as contrary to religious teachings, this perception can lead to strong opposition, with some vegans feeling marginalized or even viewed as opposing divine principles.

Social norms dictate that meals, especially those served to guests, should contain meat to be considered complete or respectful. Despite this obstacle, one can find inherently vegan or easily adaptable vegan dishes in Iraqi cuisine—such as Dolma, Tapsie, Maraq, and rice.

The vegan community in Iraq remains small, and efforts to promote vegan lifestyles, such as launching vegan food pages or businesses, often struggle to gain traction. The combination of religious influence and social expectations creates a challenging environment for vegans, despite the potential for a rich plant-based culinary tradition within the country. However, when individuals practice veganism privately and do not actively promote it, it tends to be more respected. This quiet approach to veganism allows for personal dietary choices without challenging prevailing social and religious norms.

Iraqi cuisine offers a rich array of dishes that are inherently vegan or can be easily adapted for a vegan diet. One of the staples is Dolma, which traditionally involves stuffing grape leaves, vegetables like tomatoes and bell peppers with rice and aromatic herbs; it can be made vegan by omitting any meat fillings. Another popular dish is Tepsie, which features layers of potatoes, eggplants, and tomatoes, typically baked with spices and can be enjoyed without the addition of meat. Maraq, a flavorful stew, often includes a variety of vegetables and can be made hearty with legumes instead of meat. Iraqi rice dishes, such as Timman Bagila (rice with fava beans), are already vegan and are seasoned with dill and other spices, offering a satisfying meal option. These dishes showcase the versatility and flavor-rich potential of vegan Iraqi cuisine, making it accessible and enjoyable for those looking to explore plant-based options.