Dairy alternatives are gaining momentum in the Middle East and Africa

Dairy alternatives, which are non-dairy substitutes for traditional products like milk, cheese, and yogurt, are gaining momentum in the Middle East and Africa. Catering to consumers with lactose intolerance, dairy allergies, or a preference for a vegan lifestyle, these plant-based alternatives include almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, oat milk, and various dairy-free cheeses, yogurts, and ice creams.

Overview of the Middle East and African Dairy Alternatives Market

A recent report from Expert Market Research titled "Middle East and Africa Dairy Alternatives Market Size, Share, Analysis, Report, and Forecast 2024-2032" reveals that the dairy alternatives market in the Middle East and Africa reached a valuation of USD 1.18 billion in 2023. This growth is attributed to the increasing prevalence of lactose intolerance and the adoption of veganism. Projections suggest a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% between 2024 and 2032, ultimately reaching a market value of USD 3.27 billion by 2032.

Popular alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, and rice milk have contributed to the surge in the dairy alternative sector.

These products cater to those with lactose intolerance and appeal to individuals who seek nutritional diversity.

Additionally, they offer health benefits such as reduced cholesterol levels, contributing to their widespread acceptance.

Key growth drivers

  1. Health and Wellness: Growing awareness of the health benefits associated with dairy alternatives, such as lower cholesterol and saturated fat content, is a significant driver of market growth.

  2. Lactose Intolerance: The prevalence of lactose intolerance in the region has led to a considerable market for lactose-free alternatives, allowing individuals to enjoy milk-based products without discomfort.

  3. Vegan and Plant-Based Diets: The increasing interest in veganism and plant-based diets, driven by ethical, environmental, and health concerns, is fueling demand for plant-based dairy alternatives.

  4. Innovation and Product Development: Continuous innovation in creating dairy alternatives that closely resemble the taste and texture of traditional dairy products has expanded the market by appealing to a broader consumer base.


  1. Cost: The higher price point of dairy alternatives compared to conventional dairy products poses a challenge for price-sensitive consumers.

  2. Taste and Texture: Achieving the same taste and texture as traditional dairy products remains a challenge, with some consumers hesitant to switch due to differences in sensory attributes.


  1. Product Diversification: Extensive product diversification, including new flavors, formats, and nutritional profiles, can cater to a broader audience.

  2. Regional Focus: Tailoring products to meet the specific dietary preferences and cultural nuances of the Middle East and Africa can enhance market penetration.

  3. Health Messaging: Emphasizing health benefits, such as being cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat, can attract health-conscious consumers.


Despite challenges, the Middle East and Africa dairy alternatives market holds remarkable potential. Anticipated trends shaping the market's future include ongoing innovation, regional expansion, a heightened focus on health and sustainability, government support for healthier diets, and increased education and awareness campaigns. As consumer preferences evolve, the market is poised for steady expansion.


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